need help with MidiProcessors
First time ever using MIDI processors, i have 4 Wavetable Synths, basically faking a simple stereo round-robin setup:
// on init // this is for the "A" sides, B is 1 reg rrLeftA = 0; // on Note Message.ignoreEvent(rrLeftA); rrLeftA = 1-rrLeftA; // repeat for each other MIDI processor ("rrRightA", "rrLeftB", "rrRightB")
Everything works in HISE, but in the Rhapsody plugin it's playing 3 at once, then 1, as though the initial reg value isn't setting or something
Is there a better way to do this? I tried a global container + midi processor script and got encapsulation errors
edit: fixed weird Code snippet colours
@iamlamprey Got a snippet?
@d-healey nice try. you just want access to my shiny new synth
ill make one real quick
@iamlamprey Use sinewave gens in the snippet
@d-healey hmm the snippet works just fine in both Ableton and Rhapsody standalone, i must have broken something in my larger project
@d-healey ah okay my mistake, it was an issue with loading the wavetable for that particular synth... i might as well buy a whole new wardrobe at this point