Overriding 16 parameters limit for faust nodes?
Anyone knows how edit to source code to allow i.e. 32 parameters for Faust nodes overriding the 16 parameters hard limit?
@hisefilo I did it, but I forgot
It's in the forum somewhere, keep searching!
@DanH HISE_NUM_MAX_FAUST_MOD_SOURCES=1 is the only thing on the forum about that, and it allows to update from 4 to 16 parameters. Not a clue were to find that on the forum. I spent last 48hs searching here :)
@hisefilo Forgive me I think I've got it confused with something else!
@DanH HISE :) no worries !! still looking for it... I already hardcoded a few things on hi_faust/FaustUI.h but no luck