trying to export fail
I've being couple of weeks working on a plug-in and learning more juice, sadly as last year im not able to export a single plug. in, I've installed visual studio 17,22 for Mac, juice, I've done and try every single tutorial, topic here and external, sadly no luck it always end up in terminal with this message :
Last login: Fri Dec 1 20:32:04 on ttys000
/Users/alexisortiz/Desktop/sampler\ test\ 2/sampler\ test\ 3/plug\ in\ test\ new\ hise/Binaries/batchCompileOSX ; exit;
alexisortiz@Mac-mini-de-alexis ~ % /Users/alexisortiz/Desktop/sampler\ test\ 2/sampler\ test\ 3/plug\ in\ test\ new\ hise/Binaries/batchCompileOSX ; exit;
Re-saving file: /Users/alexisortiz/Desktop/sampler test 2/sampler test 3/plug in test new hise/Binaries/AutogeneratedProject.jucer
Error when saving: At least one of your JUCE module paths is invalid!
Please go to the Modules settings page and ensure each path points to the correct JUCE modules folder.Compiling Instrument plugin loop_playa ...
/Users/alexisortiz/Desktop/sampler test 2/sampler test 3/plug in test new hise/Binaries/batchCompileOSX: line 7: xcpretty: command not found
objc[8993]: Class AMSupportURLConnectionDelegate is implemented in both /usr/lib/libauthinstall.dylib (0x2022dd160) and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice (0x10ea2c2c8). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
objc[8993]: Class AMSupportURLSession is implemented in both /usr/lib/libauthinstall.dylib (0x2022dd1b0) and /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/MobileDevice (0x10ea2c318). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
xcodebuild: error: 'Builds/MacOSX/loop_playa.xcodeproj' does not exist.
Saving session...
...copying shared history...
...saving history...truncating history files...
...completed.[Process completed]
any help? I've tried every set up ,I really dont understand why its so difficult to export, I have visual studio but I dont know what really does for export, there same with Projucer I set up folders but really I dont see any action more than start as project, so any help here will be appreciated, I've work on C-Sound and I understand some coding and terms I can understand what basically the codes mean, but is a missing link here I can't find, thanx for any help in 2023 Hise. -
@WepaAudio you need to use xcode on macos rather than visual studio. Start by compiling HISE, there are videos on my YouTube channel showing how and written instructions on the GitHub page
thanx for your super fast reply, any link to go straight to that particular video, I spent 2 hours searching for it in your channel, I learn good info about HISE and save some videos for later, but seems im not quite sure in wich video I have to look for this particular issue, later I spent sometime fixing the paths in Projucer in Hise folder, before doesn't let me save it, because of wrong path, now I can save it and dont say any errors, but when I get back to hise and try to export I keep getting the same message I posted, I hop I can get the link to your video, I dont have too much time to build, but when I make the time I like to get the most out of it, today I started HISE at 9 am and its midnight, and im quite at the same spot as I started, thank you for your help in advance, I dont mind to spend moths learning Hise, as long I can export I can then put all the hours I need to learn all, but not exporting its what it got me thinking if its worth the days.