Hise/Rhapsody license?
Hi Everyone,
If I get a paid HISE license, does that also cover Rhapsody?
I don't care about the Rhapsody player being public and available.
But I would like to release some libraries, with samples that I don't want to be public.Is this possible?
The paid HISE/JUCE license allows you to release proprietary (closed source) projects. You can use this to release a proprietary Rhapsody library, however all Rhapsody libraries can be converted back into HISE projects so anyone can view the code. Therefore they will always be source available, although your license/copyright can be enforced to prevent other people using your code - I don't recommend or encourage this though.
The samples are not software and are not part of a compiled binary, so as Christoph says this makes licensing them a grey area.
Thanks for the explanation!