AU build option missing from export
Hi everyone,
I'm hoping somebody will be able to assist.
I don't have the AU build export option in HISE, only VST & AAX.
Originally I thought I must have missed something out in the HISE build process, but after seeing an older topic on here I am now wondering if it is because I am on Windows that I don't see the option?Basically I am looking to build plugins in both VST & AU formats as I have done previously in other software. Is that possible on one machine in HISE or do you need to have it on a Windows machine and a Mac in order to get both formats?
Thanks in advance
@rzrsharpeprod yeah you can't build mac plugins on Windows. You'll have to do it on a mac system but it doesn't matter if it's a 'real' mac or a Virtual Machine.
@Matt_SF Ah ok that makes sense.
If I build a virtual mac machine I will just need to build an instance of HISE on there and then I should be able to export the AU versions by the sounds of it then?
@rzrsharpeprod Yeah, that's what I do.
@d-healey Excellent, thankyou