Range mismatch in Scriptnode
These warnings have started to appear. Should we worry about them, or are they just for info?
[1, 500] range Knob could be connected to the [0, 1] range scaled Smoothed Parameter before but now these warnings? Any ideas?
@orange it's a recent addition to scriptnode which warns you if you're using linked parameters with different ranges. Sometimes not having the same ranges is intended so if you're doing something on purpose, don't worry about them.
- add warning button to container parameters when there is a range mi… · christophhart/HISE@ad4577e
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@Matt_SF I see
I see. So,
[1, 500] range Parameter>> [0, 1] range scaled Smoothed Parameter >> [1, 500] range knob in the snex node
could this connection be the problem? Beginning and ending has the same range, but there is a mismatched Smoothed Parameter in the middle.
@orange I think these warnings are mostly useful for debugging and spotting where a scriptnode graph is likely to crash, as it can happen sometimes with some nodes.
This connection should be fine altough it would be better to keep the ranges identical when possible. You could use a
in that case.