Weird sample map group issue
I just created a sample map with 4 groups. But I have two weird issues.
When playing back the RR group is jumping between 1 and 3, it's skipping 2 and 4. I have no scripting affecting this.
Clicking the little circle icon to select group 4 displays the samples mapped to that group in the mapping window. However if instead of clicking the circle I right-click it and select RR Group 4 from the menu, the mapping window is empty.
I just noticed if I load a sample map with 3 groups, it does cycle through all groups, but in reverse. And the same issue with selecting the last group from the menu.
I finally solved this mystery, so here is the answer for anyone else who has this problem.
My MIDI keyboard for some nonsensical reason outputs on multiple channels at once. This causes duplicate notes to be sent to HISE which causes the group counter to increase twice for each key press. So the solution is to filter the incoming MIDI channel in HISE preferences.
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