Getting Started FUAST for HISE video
Getting Started FUAST for HISE video. From begginer levels to slightly pro level like OSC, Filter, Effects etc.
Got this code from
declare name "LPF"; import("maxmsp.lib"); G = hslider("Gain [unit:dB]", 0, -10, 10, 0.1); F = hslider("Freq", 1000, 100, 10000, 1); Q = hslider("Q", 1, 0.01, 100, 0.01); process(x) = LPF(x,F,G,Q);
How to use it with HISE?
@DabDab Add a scriptnode fx, create a new scriptnode network and add a core.faust node inside it. The node has some options to load a Faust dsp-file or to enter the faust code manually. Enter the code and hit the compile button on the faust.node, three knobs should appear on the node to adjust the filter parameters.
@toxonic Superb. I will try it.