Newbie here... was just curious if you can call presets via combo box?
Newbie here... was just curious if you can call presets via combo box?
@Felix10870 Yes,
@d-healey thank you much!!!
Please see youtube video... everytime I declare a function do I have to create it by the menue at the top of the script editor? becase that would be painful... and it's the only way I have been able to get them to work...
@Felix10870 The dropdown menu above the script editor is just a list of already existing functions, these are:
onControlThe reason your typed onNoteOff() function isn't working, is because one already exists in that dropdown menu. These are hardcoded into HISE so people don't have to make their own.
If you want your code to do something when you press / release a key, you'll have to put that code inside one of those already-existing functions (onNoteOn, onNoteOff). The same applies for global timers/control etc.
Custom functions are usually for GUI stuff, like sliders, buttons or loading/unloading expansions.
@iamlamprey sorry, this is going to take some getting used to... my next thought was external script editor with 'include staments'... lol
@Felix10870 It takes some time to get used to but it's easier (imo) and infinitely more powerful than Kontakt :) worth the investment
Check out my scripting 101 video if you haven't already.
@d-healey I was watching it than I started 'getting creative' to see what I can do... and that's where I got in trouble... I used to write javascript and AS2 and AS3 for flash... there is some familiar things going on and it's been awhile...