Javascript syntax error inside laf.registerFunction will not recompile until you reload project
If you have a syntax error inside a laf.registerFunction function and get a compile error, the laf you were trying to override will revert to default and will not work again for the remainder of the HISE session (AFAIK).
You need to fix the error, save your preset and reload it to get the laf override to work again.
An interesting side note, I found this when copy pasting some graphics code from the drawPath doc example, where the panel.setPaintRoutine has a this which has the function getLocalBounds, but to my surprise, the laf environment does not.
@jonhallur Does the same happen with local LAF?
I could not recreate the behavior in a Content.createLocalLoockAndFeel()I spoke too soon, some errors you can not recover from. Some syntax errors are fine, but when something really does not work, laf will not recover. Looks like if I do actual runtime errors that are syntactically correct the laf reverts to something older, and does not try to recompile the laf function until reload.