Trouble Compiling on New Mac
I'm trying to compile HISE on a new M1 Mac using XCode 13.2.1 but I can't seem to get past these weird errors. Has anyone else encountered this?
@Casey-Kolb It's working here, non of these errors.
M1 on develop branch from Aug 1, 2022, so not the absolute latest but the one before that.commit 75ee78426af32e3b96cac86d7affae9c6ba05fd9
@Casey-Kolb I've compiled before the current 4 commits. Working here too. Are you using the JUCE version inside the pack?
@orange Yes, I am. Let me try a few more things.
@orange It was a corrupted .jucer file. All good!
@Casey-Kolb not relevant now that you sorted it, but ive not been able to use the included projucer files with hise builds for some time. i have to use the newest projucer download to compile successfully on mac
@argon Hm interesting. I wonder if there's something going on with Git in that case?
@argon Do you have the "projucer is damaged and can not be opened" message? I'll use this command in terminal:
"xattr -cr" + path to projucer
Can't use projucer at all on M1 Big Sur MacBook
@crd said in Can't use projucer at all on M1 Big Sur MacBook: Or just use the terminal command "xattr -cr" which is as easy as opening terminal typing "xatt...
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@ulrik No I think git was just using an older projucer file that wasn't compatible anymore.