The System cannot find the path specified.
Hello, I am trying to build my HISE project as a standalone or vst3. I've added the HISE path in the settings and its correctly pointing to the source code. I followed this tutorial to set up HISE for my windows machine and am wondering which path cannot be found. I just compiled the latest HISE (develop) version. Do I need to change any path in projucer?
Does anyone experience something similar?
Thanks in advance!
@oskarsh Which version of Visual Studio are you using?
@d-healey I am using Visual Studio Community 2022 Version 17.2.6
@oskarsh Then you have to do the same steps you did for compiling HISE that I demonstrated. You need to close the terminal and go through Projucer >> Visual Studio manually.
@d-healey I've opened the project in Projucer, made sure all the IPP specific settings are enabled (IPP also installed ofc) When opening the solution file in Visual Studio I was able to retarget the solution, but upon building I get this error:
It seems like the ipp.h header file cannot be found. I am wondering where it tries to look it up. I made sure to install IPP support for Visual Studio on installation.
@oskarsh Are you using IPP via the OneAPI?
@d-healey I've used the offline installer for IPP. I will try with the oneAPI one again.
@d-healey I've used the oneAPI installer for IPP and managed to build a clean HISE project with it. Interestingly the installer size between the offline (1.2gb) and the oneAPI (950mb) is quite different.
Thanks alot for the help! I will note that solution down!