Latest Development Builds
Thank You for so informative answer!
Now another building problem:
Could not find file: C:\Program Files\HISE\AutogeneratedProject.jucerCompiling 64bit Instrument plugin test hise ...
Microsoft (R) Build Engine 14.0.25420.1MSBUILD : error MSB1009: file of project does not exists
Ключ: Builds\VisualStudio2015\test hise.sln
Compiling finished.Cleaning up...I have installed juce from the build, then took source and copied it into the hise folder. The made path in the compiller settings
It seems that you haven't specified a Project folder. This is covered in the first part of the tutorial (last paragraph):
But thanks, I'll add a cleaner error message for this.
Christophб I've got it! I specified project folder not inside the porjects directory.
Sorry for my Noobism.
It seems projucer can't find juce modules inside the JUCE folder, I see them inside, but don't know how to locate them... -
well, the next step:
#cmd Re-saving file: C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE-master\projects\test4\Binaries\Autoge neratedProject.jucer Error when saving: At least one of your JUCE module paths is invalid! Please go to Config -> Modules and ensure each path points to the correct JUCE m odules folder. Compiling 64bit Instrument plugin test4 ... Microsoft (R) Build Engine версии 14.0.25420.1 (C) Корпорация Майкрософт (Microsoft Corporation). Все права защищены. Plugin.cpp PresetData.cpp BinaryData.cpp hi_core.cpp c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\BinaryData.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE-master \projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\hi_core.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE-master\pr ojects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] hi_dsp_library.cpp hi_frontend.cpp hi_modules.cpp hi_scripting.cpp c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\hi_dsp_library.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE-ma ster\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\hi_modules.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE-master \projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\hi_frontend.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE-maste r\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] juce_audio_basics.cpp juce_audio_devices.cpp juce_audio_formats.cpp c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\hi_scripting.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE-mast er\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\juce_audio_basics.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE -master\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\juce_audio_devices.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HIS E-master\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] juce_audio_plugin_client_utils.cpp juce_audio_plugin_client_VST2.cpp juce_audio_processors.cpp c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\juce_audio_formats.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HIS E-master\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\juce_audio_plugin_client_VST2.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Fil es\HISE\HISE-master\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxpr oj] c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\juce_audio_plugin_client_utils.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Fi les\HISE\HISE-master\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxp roj] juce_audio_utils.cpp c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\juce_audio_processors.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\ HISE-master\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] juce_core.cpp juce_cryptography.cpp juce_data_structures.cpp juce_events.cpp c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\juce_audio_utils.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE- master\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\juce_data_structures.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\H ISE-master\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\juce_events.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE-maste r\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\juce_core.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE-master\ projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\juce_cryptography.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE -master\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] juce_graphics.cpp ..\..\Source\Plugin.cpp(2): fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл включени е: JuceHeader.h: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE-master\p rojects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] juce_gui_basics.cpp juce_gui_extra.cpp juce_opengl.cpp juce_tracktion_marketplace.cpp c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\juce_graphics.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE-mas ter\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\juce_gui_extra.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE-ma ster\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\juce_gui_basics.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE-m aster\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\juce_tracktion_marketplace.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\ HISE\HISE-master\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] c1xx : fatal error C1083: Не удается открыть файл источник: ..\..\JuceLibraryCo de\juce_opengl.cpp: No such file or directory [C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE-maste r\projects\test4\Binaries\Builds\VisualStudio2015\test4.vcxproj] Compiling finished.Cleaning up... Не удается найти C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE-master\projects\test4\Binaries\Compi led\test4 x64.exp Не удается найти C:\Program Files\HISE\HISE-master\projects\test4\Binaries\Compi led\test4 x64.lib Для продолжения нажмите любую клавишу . . .
Can you post the AutogeneratedProject.jucer file (it's a XML)?
BTW, the project folder does not need to be in the HISE source folder (and maybe something is messing up the file paths because of this).
sorry, only now have access to computer)
I've added personal paths to the packages inside the jucer -
Have you used the latest build (not the one from the download page but compiled from Git?
It seems that you are using an old version which is using different settings for the HISE and the JUCE source paths (which I've streamlined recently).
Here is a recent build:
Try exporting again with this build (You might want to clean the Build directory via File -> Settings -> Clean Build Directory first).
Thank You! I built the hise.exe from project standalone and finelly it buils standalone app of the synth!
But now it can't find VSTSDK. I've downloaded it from steinberg and extracted to the SDK\VSTSDK (without extra "VST3***" folder)
Tryed different ways to unpack it, but still can't reach it... -
You need this directory structure:
%HISE FOLDER%/tools/SDK/VST3 SDK/plugininterfaces %HISE FOLDER%/tools/SDK/VST3 SDK/public.sdk
Don't be confused. You need the VST3 SDK folder, although it won't use the VST3 files, but the also included VST 2.4 files...
ahh, ok, thanks!
Hope, the last question in this thread :)
How to build hiseVST? I've tried plugin prohect, but it has exporter only for VS2013, and i haven't got it... VS15 can't compille the project, it seems, updating of project doesn't fix the problem.
Generally, i'm interesting how to setup correct routing in instrument, while working with more than stereopair in out. And it's the matter of interesting in the plugin. -
Ah shoot, I forgot to update those. I'll fix this.
However the plugin is also just stereo out at the moment (I wanted to add a multichannel version of the plugin for some time, but it was never on my high priority list.
- However the plugin is also just stereo out at the moment (I wanted to add a multichannel version of the plugin for some time, but it was never on my high priority list.
only hise editor-plugin or any plugin exported from hise?
Alright, I pushed the new plugin project for VS2015 (it had also AAX enabled by default, which is not so smart considering that most folks don't have the AAX SDK)...
only hise editor-plugin or any plugin exported from hise?
Currently neither. However this came up a few times before so maybe I'll just add support for it - it shouldn't be too hard to implement, the hard part was getting the internal routing multichannel capable...
Currently neither. However this came up a few times before so maybe I'll just add support for it - it shouldn't be too hard to implement, the hard part was getting the internal routing multichannel capable...
Thanks! It would be grate. I see, d.Healey already has huge amount of micpositions in project, I'm hardly thinking about moving orchestral library project into hise, but even for personal usage always better to get different mics though the host routing and FX, neither leave it inside the plugin...
Well, I'm going to try finish little test instrument till the morning :) thanks for the response!!!
This post is deleted! -
I deleted the answer and moved it in the right post...
I don't know what is wrong, but can't build the lastest repo... On including of marketplace.cpp it crushes. And github, as i think, can't build too...
Ha... Strange, now it passed))