help please :)
You're triggering the callback for every button via
so only the last audio file will ever be loaded.for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { Button[i-1].setValue(value == i); Button[i-1].changed(); }
@d-healey Okay, that actually loads the last button. how do i now get this to load the buttons i want? I'm sure it's a stupid mistake but really I can't find it :(
@yall It loads all of them not just the last. If you only want it to load one then drop the loop.
@d-healey what is this loop? I do not understand. I have 3 samples that I want to integrate via buttons in the loop player. the buttons do import the samples but do not import them from the combobox nor from the next / prev buttons. however the next / prev buttons work well on the combobox
@yall said in help please :):
@d-healey what is this loop?
It's from the comboBox callback in the snippet that you posted.
@d-healey I'm completely lost . ^^ usually I can understand but now .... impossible ^^
You posted a snippet, this loop is from your snippet:
ComboBox1.setControlCallback(ComboBox1CB); inline function ComboBox1CB(control, value) { for (i = 1; i < 4; i++) { Button[i-1].setValue(value == i); Button[i-1].changed(); } }
In the loop you are triggering the callback of every button with this line:
Therefore button3 will always be the last one triggered. -
@d-healey yes until it works. the buttons are active well. but the samples do not load. only the sample of button2 loads. except also, when I press button1 button2 and button3 manually. but I really want to go through the CB
@yall When you make any choice with your combo box it will load 1, then load 2, then load 3.
@d-healey precisely no, the CB simply activates the buttons but does not give the order to load. I'll throw everything out the window ^^
@d-healey said in help please :):
This line
triggers the button's callback and the button's callback loads the file. -
yes that I understand, but there is no loading of sample ... even if I delete it, nothing happens either.
@yall said in help please :):
yes that I understand, but there is no loading of sample
Are you saying this isn't working?
@d-healey the 3 buttons load well the 3 samples without problem .. so this line works very well. it is the combobox and the prev) next buttons which do not load the samples. yet buttons 1 2 3 (the sample buttons) are activated. the reminder . changed does not act on the 1 2 3 buttons from the CB and the prev / next buttons. it's very weird
One thing at a time. Let's get the combobox working, then we can look at next/prev.
Can you confirm that when you change combo box it does trigger the button callbacks? You can test this with
@d-healey the combox box activates the buttons well in Visual .. in reality, even if the buttons go from 0 to 1, the samples do not load. i will try console print
I share the snippet again to be sure that we are on the same thing
HiseSnippet 2554.3oc6a07aabbEeojVaSZKakT2hzKsCDJBnfrk3GxVtMwkqjnjsZzGzhJ1sv0vdztCEGnk6vr6rxh1U.9ROmdnWxs.z+E5wBDcqWxgbo.sGZiSuUjdv.s8ZamY1c4NK4RJJBKYoDRAHo4i2L+du4Mu42a1kkrI5HGGhsRhja1nNRIwkTK2vhVcgpPrkxxEURbA0cv56.xoLei5PGGjgRhDCeGdqIRNhh3yqJLOzDZoiBqRQ49DrNZEbMLMr1RZe.1zbInAZSbModOi1x5DqEHlDWFRFVMiRcn9NvsQqA4caHUkDmaQCLkXWlBoHGkDiLOwnQ4pjmZ40+6icvaYh3ExpTlMPdUuDwzfiXdsJKTEaZTJPicTTRb9Rg5+vd5+UUWEafaVencXLQCfPIjsGIFpavKqL7xz6vKgD7FwCdukZYcabcZXKbrcQ0ksnH6JP1RfLr75qxPmKo5BDVOrnSUCtCZIaVglRj9lYxbMvMxjYh2azTilZ5oAr0BGJXWnMX5o4UEVdNWCLYEBodISXCjcVvsAB2ko1FQEsUFVqtIpI5ROtnV.WDfuLi6MOgC5BjZaQlmrGezBfIa7XUWmXwJjd7l8PHanjy6RoDqNKme6wJUtCQpbwJU9CQp79ZWq+..LaoIAAM.NBSjuocQqswVnoLIPCgkZIrIxgszPJQHlo8FKrkIqOfJtV5TLwBPr70KNPrYcSO.EWigTSWzDil54ilJYqKVS4fn7wO83OuzFq+yVbgMe7RquRwE2X+4ev7fGL28WDLCXgUlqDH2TOEtqulru32Gh8kOz9nYAno4VrcuoaElcWYxcHJyQReJJgelkGzKZQttqE4hnEcVOxe35ACPGokllJSxdTUx2cUIeKpRvOSOsEZOJntMZWl2IP14GaoWDo6ItCaKvCejP1JDaPZLqbl2CfAuOHG6OSNomlxs6QD6g3G0wMOaQsVVz2wASBvbfEm3wqTMkURs1O9knV6ZGVjDycEPZQUfaeaP1I.d052H+iIQGZBvF6wTpH.cJrkAZu0qDN3A5imqXv+wmAg3LyG3ce2vvfbay84Sc5I.+T1bGJB+SX2bB5VrRdcljM2.z9rGKNx1Qb79QqN830f6M9D8IzlzCZQgQmfW3HnWEZsMxHcn4L5e22ec2+LLlXfsH64GnM3Gaz1.bKG.4sv0tWcVOu5YZwq1q6SU20oZ5tsMb7IwSDpm9PKhMpUm4lMtv7wGsTpCL2Kgvs441Q32hCrGHeH95YeT35USWdrrSqbWaeUnU6uzFt0HTz5VomH0ySkL09o.s1TkJw1lucwDYGaybxi1cSvzVt01BYGXZB5HiEUTZZpclllLKRcuEYoNRXwQvz0qir5D4MEeOCFMtg8QEiDKUPh665ShSbJvCf6hXKY0TvFbRlQpKqhPAjoUays9L7aynUqlnYMKZYvKesenhRE14Hd7l+9pc3zDOzIfzvdP5x9PxakVfkKo1LbYl1wwQbDhQST9vkKBoPNOWeaEy9UGYSw7klDEQ6xRfvi0aR0hHmcnj5LJ6M2lwF+ir4buP.7AZMBKjQ6oXCZ0lU7RaspH71UCyc4fJZ0CVdW1fmmP6LaUvTTsfrXRpl8Fy9iyjOmTs431jYxM6sxkOelaMqBkcdaP+Sol8lyN6r4xdCERc3G45mrfCyoaEVL.m.GsP0+7czvmT0m5kjBqURRgA6oYfp.cM811KmJmMjoV2wl3VWtVGlIbYqR1HVjBOfczPRNIjbfLRx7rSXjjWBIu3dRH427qdshjTdHYLejDD4VfkKp1LPtDZF6oRnQyUicDKeO8vrRQ8N0dRqdmJE03dYN7879K8o7M7oBT61g6g6P2al1HQJj1h8Sjzmwb03d6rXfpbBl8vbicVkTiMyP6FGEe+HAcBACPWBLkBACmxaeAl1yMeL0UIFtlPZzqMfeWI9MvNjJR947bvsbvzFxtUGK2kPuB22RsDlpWMd7NTL3kE993Fu92LynpKVoBRmFB1QTW5meBbMLCIgk21CKoTK1vBVCq63e+KAEy1x0jQYmLCYSogrEiW8lUYaDqxlX+FzxmexC3MLGkxnBJ6PvqcCjIB5DFT5.aM9tAaArZaJdUgvFach9zO4Sl6fvl2fuJ62zSpT4+JIYDj7jO1dSooLJdd4u6U.Mwc8griQe8aIFU9e8Y9sEYtz9pm8aK32PzI5E2N0eTBgqB2AEMlruTs1.mEVTWig6Mpew3YtAwkhs1dUH0FyCPulasxrSv0QLGSKKjImWYhg3Lj7JmIfnVYjkgnv+i8wuwr7xI7aLaPixd+ICo.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