Export tool
@nesta99 There's a space in your project path.
Can you add a New page to the Exporter Tool To Add Custom Files And Location For Files?A Grid Style UI, With Two Option:
1- Select File
2- Installation PathThis Can Be Very Handy To Add Some Extra Files To The Installer
Thanks A Ton
@d-healey Thanks, will solve the issue now. Is there a way to have the name of the package without the "signed" or "unsigned " text?
@nesta99 Yeah, rename it :p
Can you add a New page to the Exporter Tool To Add Custom Files And Location For Files?
What kind of files?
@d-healey Where please?
@nesta99 you rename the .pkg
@DanH Ahahahah that simple? thanks soo much ahahah.
Like Zip Files, Shortcut To Website, Things Like That.Just A Page With 4 Slots,
Select File And Select Installation Path, -
@d-healey Finally managed to create the installer and renamed it, I tried to install it and the au doesnโt show on Logic and in the Components folder. Also tried to delete the AudioUnitCache file. But no positive results. Please any idea?
Sharing the video link :Thanks
@nesta99 Does it work when you do it without using the Export Tool?
@d-healey yes , I do already had exported the Au and vst3
@nesta99 The same project?
@d-healey yeah, so I have exported te vst/au, I checked if they were working and then I created the installer
@nesta99 It installed it to the system library folder, you access it from the Go menu while holding Option (I think).
@d-healey it installs to my non-system library here....
@DanH Oh interesting, I haven't check it for a while so that might be the correct behaviour then.
@d-healey It's where the rest of my components are so looks right. Hise, however, compiles to the system library.
@d-healey Nope.. checked there as well, will redo everything again to see
@d-healey Sir
Can We Have The Option To Include The Audioresources And Install Them Via Installer?
I Found This A Very Good Idea, And it Can Make The Dll Files Lighter.
Also, We Can Add More Files Into The Resources -
@Natan That sounds like a good idea