MAC AUi Component build doesn't show in a DAW
How do you do a debug build?
@benosterhouse Select build for running.
Is that in the preferences somewhere?
@benosterhouse It's in the build menu (I think) in Xcode. Build for profiling is for release and build for running is for debug (the naming makes no sense to me).
If I start compiling the AU from Hise, then interrupt it and open up the autogenerated.jucer, in Xcode I can go to Product -> Build -> for Running, and then it starts compiling there.
Is that what you do for a debug build? -
@benosterhouse That will work. I probably do it from the commandline... I can't remember because I haven't built a debug build on MacOS for ages.
Ok yeah, you use commandline scripts so you can automate building, right?
@benosterhouse Yeah, or my export app.
@d-healey Any chance of a version of your export app being merged into HISE itself? Would certainly be useful (shall I add to the feature requests list?!
@DanH They're written in completely different languages so it would be impossible to merge them, it would need either some kind of wrapper or a rewrite/port.