Collaborative project!
@ustk I can compile Win if needed
@d-healey Can you please try to launch it with a Juce file? The message appears as soon as I place the cursor to select the architecture
@hisefilo Yep sure, I was just trying for compiling a VST3, so anyway I will need to make it to work sometime for myself
@d-healey Ok... Hmm... Well... Where to begin... I just had to log myself in
@ustk Should I compile the Windows VST2?
@d-healey yes please :) I'm having a hard time trying to figure out Inno
@d-healey Yep, VST2 will be sufficient, we can add VST3 later anyway :)
I'm going to add build scripts to the repo for Windows and GNU/Linux. I'd usually do the same for Mac but I haven't set it up yet for VST3 or notarizing. It's best not to put the installers in the repo as they are quite large. When we're ready for release we should tag a release in git and add the installers a downloadable files. This way it will show up in the releases tab and be really easy for users to find the latest version without having to look through the repo.
Have a few product photos.
Now working on a 30-40 sec animation .
Actually I've realised it's easier for us to test if the installers are in the repo as well, but we should still make a tagged release for users. I'm pushing the Windows installer now. I built this on my mac and I rarely use Windows so please test and let me know if I got everything right.
I'm testing on mac, and I can test the installer on windows (not the plugins)
I know it isn't the time for that but I got a name idea that respects the Collab idea. Let's say for later maybe...
And why not adding Audio... -
Ok, successfully tested:
On mac
- Installer
- Plugins in Ableton
- Standalone
On windows
- Installer
- Standalone
I don't know if it's related to windows, the standalone, my interface or a PBCK, but changing samplerate modifies the pitch... A thing that does not happen with mac...
@ustk Well I've just discovered isPluginParameters are not being shown on DAWs..... I guess I need to fix that ...... is like very important
@hisefilo said in Collaborative project!:
@ustk Well I've just discovered isPluginParameters are not being shown on DAWs..... I guess I need to fix that ...... is like very important
Good shout! Are you on it or do you want me to do it? Nothing to do atm...
@ustk mmmm want to do a run a test if you have time for experimenting.... (on DSP)
@hisefilo Sorry... Do you want me to do something specific?
Animation test . -
@ustk Yes. (please read this knowing the leslie you did is already AWESOME!)
Can you try to do the lower sounding chain (bassdrum in my opinion) to rotate a bit slower than horns?? that I think will add some chorus actual leslie is missing... IMHO
or... to duplicate any chain and change delay values????
In this image I can see delays are like a bunch!!! and we are doing just the middle one on our leslie I guess. This is why I thing just duplicating what you already did will work..... but you know.... you are the one knows about it :)