[SOLVED] "Learn MIDI CC" via script?
Is there a way to
via script? -
@ustk I don't understand, if it's via script it's not learning... ?
@d-healey :)
@d-healey Sorry, it wasn't clear :)
Actually, I want to trigger the Learn MIDI CC via something else than a right-click (in fact via left-click on a panel, or a simple button callback) -
@ustk I don't think it's possible, you'd need to play with C++ or implement your own MIDI learn functionality that is separate from the HISE MIDI Lean system.
@d-healey Yeah that confirms my thoughts... Will find another way then thanks ;)
@ustk if you make a global variabel for each component you want to be controlled by CC
var c01 = 0;
and get the users controller
c01 = Message.getControllerNumber();
you can assign c01 to, for instance a knob
function onController() { if(Btn.getValue() == 1) // button on or something? { c01 = Message.getControllerNumber(); } // and then when Btn.getValue == 0 if(Message.getControllerNumber() == c01) { Knb.setValue(Message.getControllerValue() / 128); } };
@ulrik Rather than a variable for each component, I'd use an array (or an object) with each element representing a control.
@d-healey yes, that is better of course :)