How to create and link a combo box that can select different sample maps, hence enabling different instruments to be played?
I have four sample maps with different instruments in the project and want to export a vst that is caplable of selecting these instrumetns from a combo box.
is the function you need. There are different ways to implement it. One method is to have an array with the names of all the sample maps (there is a function to automatically create this - check the API documentation) and then use the combo box value to select the sample map name from the array to pass to the loadSampleMap function. -
Thank you ! it worked , and i'm able to create a vst with multiple instruments. thank you again
@d-healey Hello Sir David.
Code you please supply an example on how to make combo box , with sample maps List?
Thanks for Your help <3 -
@d-healey Thank You Thank You Sir David
Youre Great