Drum Mapping- user defined
@gorangrooves well the reason you are having to add the 1 is that a combo box returns 1 as the first index so a combo box with this in it:
- zero
- one
- two
When you select "zero" the combo box will return a value of 1, when you select "one" the combo box will return 2 etc. etc.
So you should either map the returned values to meaningful note ranges or use a knob
If you use a comboBox I assume you dont want to map ANY note number you might want to map notes 60 -80 in that case you will need to set up your comboBox to contain the following:
etc..and in your call back say:
//kick inline function onComboBoxKickMidiControl(component, value) { reg KickTrigger = value + 59; };
So a knob returns its value : so define a knob (a slider in the UI) values 0 to 127 and set showValuePopup = "Above" and the knob will display the numbers 0 to 127 above itself whenever the user moves the knob, and will remove this pop up after a few seconds
with luck this will give you a clue how to proceed.
HiseSnippet 1605.3oc6YE0aaaCDVJNJsNqYXsnOrG1CBEc.1Xso1oIoMKnn1wNoMnIMFVoA6ACTvHS6PDIRAJJ250EreO6s8Sn+j5+fsiTRQTINYVAccEcUAvP73c79tiGu6DSGNyEGFx3Flk2eb.1v7FVNiohiZcDhPM1tsg42X0mG4yw9n.iMFGfBCw8MLMK8LIClkm0P87gmtAxCQcwYjLLNfQbw6P7IhLpcZ7Bhm2Vn938I9ZbubiscYzVLOVD.lRV0LBPtGiFheIRx1LVFlysYehfwcDHANzvb1MX8G6bD6MzX9OfDRNzCKGT2vAVnXxaw75KQr7ciVGQ752I0nCMLLs5j4BJE6Bts0tj9jSom4J9N0D1YRn6OLm4xfW8qH7L0f2rwv6lVNtbRfHal3sosoBLe.B1BzgULuFy7GkrZw.NnhE8QGi2hCCNUhJqVq18rWoVspquv7KLOGOz9Xh6wNvdgK19IvLqGSMjh33LxOJG66yICGh4mieM5OVIf7OB0iPw1ChntBBiZynuHaIjHky7p3x7CXT.y2ydDxKBWcg4e2ByW9AOHDKrEGgsEIKMkIvvD4QgRDPgmnTZp0ODKZktrUtilRuS0ECkyoTcKjm2gP.XkIgqpqeQ1fil8N0FgxIkZJvLmwoMMlgtduH6XBXK1Pzv+KA+3dzJUkHb9xjAU1EhvfCgR0Im6kQ9Gh4Up9jmnuiWUZO1vSJ2g43NKTp55yW9DrWHVJvku75NgSW+KVGZAlRkHY7TEcVIICoLNdyQROmfGoDn7IRnkruVd9SNmSYv.oW4rSk3G8jf97yJyvwuDwpPUfOMtHgO3fd9LIyMcYRbiiLzXjQ2lRD6EfSFmkqo9Dx0XjDZAYclIAf.qBUNmuMImiiGoOlaPfEYAKsCFFJKHKa9NMLlhk.HosKe1034MLd01sQBjLMXB1.7Ff4BhzsX1FOBpuDmTrrUab3wBVfB7ImKLLu1TB+2BEBLYfRGKeoI7Rn.G3P9UPXKq5KVyvG81Sg16eciPvKefDucXAQfRulUyCYivRm3Tn7yX3YqbidMFmoFbiqJJNeUCn1EqejGRjuflrJdxDPnYtJGxpCzPhXrdU9BTkq1DqxMwHuoDt2zpCQ3dzjw6LS.uxP4+kwaROCKXs4fAXWQFXm0Zqe4p1fvUCJW+B5f6FpJ+vHLu9GiV3Bl5V3LK8kRKae7Cl+5YuujN68CwP4VVNBNF4SnCcP9APeAJ7LGTrQ7I9rWGN1ig5GW8Hks22XiHvWwyS8OanTUSeVDMmtRrgt3.LR.a8Zxb8Fc69LNKJ3rR8gmpBT1mCccBtA8I1ihAetP2FawYggC.yQsVg5S0IhOT5qxnzEOByCySC5+C12oTnYOYoaSfzqBwx8Yh6tHno52pysRK01Go1q+QqkVdw7Oi1C9YvOIecsVpwwhTu3hrTwE4gEWjkKtHqTbQVs3h7nBIhoU9ymWa5Z4cWTPGDr0qw4FjjSdvbwTxmlUi0Si8TPUqrzDp4L2Wq4nfaooCt+C2jQ4TL5PjaUaRGA4p.JRLdKnS9AnHOQJ074M2kQYAGwnD27YFR97YcrOQCpoP.Ilxnb6FcwdXTnVps61XGnWIDOeBuB4KpO89hKa+56shgqsLYu8WF8JT5+88JbYtN3KCUYurAsyEeluOeCKUpdaY6H+WA0trHAzlQZodKnef3qARuqfYjcZDOtlbrDPNXZe0f+BdRlrdZKDxIqmNoga5RA1Vx6p6kvrDlJKcnZA1CZNwSOjND5zRBoYrf2UapxqPGFGO.9dstLYyPVlKIuwD1KviSG7bh1fcXGHW3XT+bRxfeWZ6wcfkB5sHdI2V96rZ8y8f1f3g8fTY8YzdMCBjPt2NLWjWu8w9A85h32scWTsEW4wq06.B7EhCw1s4Q9g1HZea.Ag8Z5gCIg1Ncue8U6o90F5j0tV8dGBa1x+w.g06soGbfhyntK9FzHi1QAdDWXKVFHXbNacMcacMcacsqls9aExVqUe4haqpKWLwXa54wFa6P4SvX+TDK9oPG9HWN60twWfmLp+5JJP7NU4xKasqbrc8zqrSdN0G5440ttxDp2GNoNYIVpvR7vBKwxEVhUJrDqVXIdTgk3wWhDxFLaFIX9wkWABc1LNkj4lmlRpjweyiIwWZ
@Lindon said in Drum Mapping- user defined:
So a knob returns its value : so define a knob (a slider in the UI) values 0 to 127 and set showValuePopup = "Above" and the knob will display the numbers 0 to 127 above itself whenever the user moves the knob, and will remove this pop up after a few seconds
This is not very user-friendly, I am afraid. I am certain that 99.99% of my users will have no clue which note pertains to which midi id#, so numerical values would be of no use. My combobox displays note names (C0, C#0 etc.) which a user will know to select. They are then turned into numerical values to be used internally.
I will check the snippet you provided. Thank you!
@gorangrooves most people use a midi learn function...
Well to be honest every time we've built a drum ROMpler we provided a mapping for all the major players:
- SD
- iDrum
- DrumIt5
- GM
- Roland VDrum
- Yamaha DTX900
@Lindon Your snippet works very well! I am going to tweak it now to fit my setup. With a bit of luck, I'll report back with good news :) Thank you very much!
@gorangrooves no problem, of course it WONT really expand to deal with all your articulations - the code would become a nightmare - so you should really put all your "sources" in one array and all your "triggers" in another.
I guess its not giving too much away but heres one kit with its articulations
Addictive Drums
Kick Soft Beater 24
Kick Hard Beater 36Snare Centre 38
Snare Edge 43
Snare Rimshot 37
Snare Centre Undamped 84
Snare Edge Undamped 86
Snare Rimshot Undamped 88
Snare Sidestick 42Hat Fully Closed 49
Hat Closed 51
Hat Open Quarter 52
Hat Open Half 54
Hat Open Three Quarters 55
Hat Open 57
Hat Edge Fully Closed 50
Hat Edge Closed 53
Hat Edge Open Quarter 85
Hat Edge Open Half 87
Hat Edge Open Three Quarters 90
Hat Edge Open 92
Hat Pedal Shut 48
Hat Pedal Open 59Hi Rack Tom 69
Lo Rack Tom 67
Floor Tom 65Ride Centre 45
Ride Bell 61
Ride Edge 62Crash Centre 77
Crash Edge 46...I guess you've worked out all the articulations for all the kits you want to use. I suggest you start by working out your default mapping for those (but you may well have done that already).
@Lindon Thank you, Lindon. I already have the mapping sorted out which follows the GM mapping for the most part. I've gone 1 step beyond the Addictive Drums. Notice all those hats (edge/ bow) taking up so many notes? I made mine by occupying only 2 notes: 1 for bow and 1 for edge. On them I have tight close, close, 25% open, 50% open, 75% open, 100% open, each having several velocity levels and 8 round robins
You switch between them using a controller.
I duplicated the code to include 3 notes now and it works fine. Each note has to be setup or it won't sound, but that is fine. I didn't see the point of the reg kickTrigger = 50; parts, since those values get set by the comboboxes. I took those lines out and the results are the same :)
Off to some copy, paste, edit...
@Lindon So, I managed to get 8 instruments going by copy, pasting and editing the code, but it doesn't seem to work past that number. I am guessing that the limitation is with the On Note On portion of the code, since those conditions seem to be nested (8 levels deep). I am assuming that it will need to be done in a slightly different manner. You said that I should put all the sources in an array. I assume that the code would now be completely different for On Note On, right?
@gorangrooves your problem here will be that there are A LOT of midi files out there that people will have invested in and they'd like them to work with your ROMpler, so if you remove mappings from the overall structure then their AD or BFD focused midi files will not work with your ROMpler
@gorangrooves yes two arrays - in a strict articulation order.
So on Note look thru the trigger array to see if the incoming note is used, if so then use the note at the same position in the source array, if not then remove the event.
For playing notes you will need to keep the event id so you can do the VDrum muting.