Windows Hise build -> Faust copy issues with system path
So I happened to move the Faust path from a previous location (that I didn't remember) which apparently was:
C:\Program Files\Faust\lib\faust.dll
to the more conventional
folder.But when building Hise I am now getting:
Error MSB3073 The command "copy /Y "C:\Program Files\Faust\lib\faust.dll" "C:\Users\greg\Documents\PROGRAMMING\HISE\projects\standalone\Builds\VisualStudio2022\x64\Release with Faust\App\faust.dll"
So my guess is that Windows isn't aware of the new location... How do I tell him?
U ustk marked this topic as a question
@ustk said in Windows Hise build -> Faust copy issues with system path:
Error MSB3073 The command "copy /Y "C:\Program Files\Faust\lib\faust.dll" "C:\Users\greg\D
don't we set the faust path in the Hise project settings? And in the Hise Projucer project?
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