Help with a ScriptNode?
I'm building a sort-of manually-controlled polyphonic Leveller.
Table Points
- The amplitude changes (over time) are specified using a Table.
- A timer decides how long it takes to sweep through the table. (This only happens once per note-on.)
- A delay controls how long (after a note-on is received) before the modulation begins.
- If a Table value is over 50%, then the signal is amplified. A value of 100% is the Maximum (dB) parameter for the Gain Node.
- A value of 50% applies no gain change.
- A value under 50% attenuates the signal (with zero translating to -100dB).
I think I've sort of got most of the pieces here, but don't know how to assemble them, and which ones I actually need. (I'm using the Split Containers to simply store Nodes that I may or may not use—they're not meant to split the signal.)
Or, would these be easier to do using a Simple Gain Effect in the Module Tree, and assigning a table, and then scripting the rest? (A Table Envelope doesn't really seem fitting.)
Thank you for any help.
@clevername27 your table and map nodes aren't polyphonic. I don't know if they can be (check the node title)
@aaronventure Ah, the Master of Scriptnode. Always a good question about polyphonic support—in this case, they're all supported. But the collection of notes in my screenshot is just a bucket o' nodes that I think might apply to the problem—it's not a Network.
A Delayed Cable might be usable here—I'd like to specify the delay in audio samples (instead of ms), though I'm not clear what delaying in "samples" means in HISE.