1 failure compiling blank project
And with Plugin version, Building failed in Xcode :
/Users/USER/HISE/JUCE/modules/juce_audio_plugin_client/VST3/juce_VST3ManifestHelper.mm Build input file cannot be found: '/Users/USER/HISE/JUCE/modules/juce_audio_plugin_client/VST3/juce_VST3ManifestHelper.mm'. Did you forget to declare this file as an output of a script phase or custom build rule which produces it?
I cloned https://github.com/christophhart/HISE but seems file is missing.
juce_VST3ManifestHelper.mm is in the JUCE folder (the one I download from JUCE website).
Should I copy and paste the missing file? Something I don't understand here ^^
@JayPee everything you need it included with the HISE source code, don't add any external files.
I was able to build a standalone and a VST3 plugin by creating a new project in JUCE, so Xcode and JUCE are working as expected.
I assume the issue is coming from HISE?
I’m on it...!
Thanks for your attention! -
@JayPee said in 1 failure compiling blank project:
I assume the issue is coming from HISE?
If you've brought in an external version of JUCE then don't expect HISE to compile. HISE uses a customised version of JUCE.
I cloned the files from GitHub. Didn't add any external files.
@JayPee What versions of MacOS, what version of Xcode, what CPU architecture?
@JayPee It could be the version of xcode - apple seems to break things with each update. Try an older version.
@d-healey Ah! Will try! thank you!
@JayPee Did this get resolved at all? I'm rather stuck at the moment with the exact same issue. Any update would be amazing
@EwanBristow No.
But I'm able to open HISE, code, compile and export VST (plugin and standalone).