Easy ease smoothed transition function between two constants
I have 2 constants and one variable (knob value).
I need an easy ease - smooth transition function (something like "S" shape) between 2 values with a knob control (from 0 to 10). So when the knob is 0, target value will be "constant 1". When the knob is 10, target value will be "constant 2". And the proper smoothed target values in between 0 & 1 knob values.
Which function or method do you suggest?
@orange Sorry I just saw this post.
This is a KSP function I used to smoothly go between 2 values. If I remember correctly the
was because Kontakt can't handle floating point numbers so you might not need that. This doesn't have an S-shape though, I think you'll need to employ some trigonometry for that.function ul.morph_2(value, x, y) -> return return := (((1000 - value) * x) + (value * y)) / 1000 end function