Knob Filmstrip wont rotate
While assigning a filmstrip for a knob i have this problem:
when i set the right amount of frames everything works perfectly but if I switch page and come back to the interface designer it stop working, assigning the number of frames "solves " the problem for a minute and it stops again. Also exporting without the rotation.
Maybe do you have a solution?
@ToharShefiRafeld Did you click compile in the script editor after assigning the image and setting the num strips? Is the image in your project's Images folder?
@d-healey Thanks for the quick answer, yes the image is in the folder, but im using the the property editor not working with the code editor
@ToharShefiRafeld Also if im adding this line
const var Knob1 = Content.getComponent("Knob1") .set("numStrips" , "72");```
its signals that the numStrips is "overwritten by script"
but still the same problem -
Can you make a video to show me what you're seeing?