My Daw ( Ableton) see my exported plug-in but fail toopen the plug-in
I changed the plug in code, also updated the version of the plug-in to 2.0. i erased previous version of the same plug-in ,im in version 4.0 last week I opened in Ableton a previous version this plug-in,thanx for the help
@WepaAudio Win or OSX?
Probably you need to delete yours 'plugin folder' AppData forlder.
Press Win + R to open the Run dialog.
Type %appdata% and press Enter. This will take you to the Roaming folder within AppData. -
@Mighty23 Mac M1
Try: ~/Library/Application Support/ ...Find a folder named as 'Plugin Name' inside 'Your Company Name' folder.
@Mighty23 thanx, I went there but no folder with plug in name or my company name
try: ~/Library/Preferencesinside one of the two paths indicated there should be the data of your plugin. I believe that these are the equivalent folders in Mac of 'AppData'
@Mighty23 yes, I found it, so what I should do, delete everything and export again?
@Mighty23 I found it in library, but ( library ) wher my music, my documents are
@WepaAudio delete your plugin folder and then reopen your DAW.
On first launch the plugin will rewrite the updated information into that folder.
@Mighty23 I did and it rewrite but nothing happened, i restarted the computer and try but no luck, I will export again and see