Sampler not killing voices?
What could be the cause for this?
I have a sampler with a lot of modulators so it's not super easy to try and recreate this, but any smaller tests I did failed to result in reproduction.
The voices just keep counting up, unless the node ID gets called with addVolumeFade. I'm using noteOffById because I need the note off event down the line and want to trigger envelopes
It "sounds" right: the envelopes trigger, all the stuff that should happen happens, the sound fades out, but the voice stays in the engine.
This causes issues with pitch modulation that includes the MPE MIDI node.
Why would an envelope fading out down to 0 not cause the voice to die?
@aaronventure Caused by polyphonic script FX, and it's not just the sampler
[Engine] Polyphonic Script FX Prevents the Envelope/Engine From Killing Voices · Issue #564 · christophhart/HISE
HiseSnippet 1345.3ocyX0saSbDEd13L.IkhJHjZunRcunW.RnfcH.UpUBm3e.WhSr7lFwcVCqGGOJ6NypYlMAWDpuR8QfGIdCZOyr6ZOqwM33xeAIzdNyYl4672b9R5IEgTkRHQdabzjDJx653fIb83FiILNpSSj2MvcIJMU5moZuIIDkhND44U4oFEdarNx9y6dxdjHBOjNSEBcrfER2mEyzyz1q9yYQQsICoGwhcr...
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