One VST per instrument or...?
Hi, just getting to grips with HISE and loving it. There are so many things it does that makes life easier when sampling!
However, one quick question. It looks like each instrument I make will need to be created as an individual VST. Is this correct?
So, if hyperthetically I put together a whole orchestra, that would mean a huge number of VSTs - one for each MIDI channel. Other samplers can import multiple instruments within one player, so I don't have the CPU/RAM overhead of loading the whole VST for every single channel. I'm just a bit concerned about what kind of impact that would have on my computer.Is this possible in HISE, or something planned for the future?
@rdrane Try this -
Basically yes, one VSTi per instrument. There was plans for a HISE player that could load multiple instruments and that may happen in the distant future but isn't currently on the horizon.
I have a template in Reaper with each of my woodwind instruments and as you can see the CPU usage per track isn't much.
@d-healey Okay, thanks - that's great.
so this means that i have 150 VST's on my project - :)
@musictop why don't you combine some of them using sample map swapping?
@d-healey yes - i was reading your posts and threads about samplemap swapping wich sounds much better, i was anyway planing to start the project from the scratch, since i think i now understand much better how HISE works - so far it was a beginner learning process for me. Love it though - fantastic tool!
It's just that i am a musician with very little knowledge about these things and am struggling a bit with scripting and such. :)thanx a lot David.