SNEX editor issues & improvements
The SNEX editor has some issues and opportunity for improvement:
- The Console is not always showing the warning while the code is underlined with a yellow wavy line, and vice versa (warning in console but no underline)
- The node shows a red warning but the SNEX Console is empty
- Data Table not always updating at compile time
- The right window (data table, console, etc) could be resizable. As well as vertically resizable between the elements
- Console writes everything inline which is not convenient
It feels like when a mistake is made in the code, the Console and warnings are behaving weirdly, like if the junk was clogging something even if the error is fixed.
This reminds me the detached script behaviour we had with the Hise script editor. Like when compiling does nothing. Reload the project seems to "unclog" the SNEX editor. (I haven't tried to simply re-open the SNEX file from the node itself. will do next time...)
Anyone else getting weird SNEX editor behaviour?