Release Trigger crashes HISE and also makes loop points clicky?
Hey there i just built the latest HISE to test the new release trigger feature that allows to playback the samples tail - even when a loop point is set. Usually on other samplers i use the release phase just dissolves the fixed looppoints - so my looppoint end will also be my release start when i get it to work.
I have encountered two issues:
01 Perfect loop points gets clicky (while holding note) as soon as i add in a "ReleaseStart
02 After adding release start to my sample playing it back with a keyboard will crash HISE after some notes.
Did anybody else have this issue?
S Straticah marked this topic as a question on
Just made some more tests, my mac seems to not crash. My Windows crashes when the pitch is too high.
@Straticah said in Release Trigger crashes HISE and also makes loop points clicky?:
My Windows crashes when the pitch is too high
Is this a sample stretched over multiple zones?
@d-healey Yes, + it is being pitched and hold sustained with the loop points.
@Straticah Does it work on Windows when not stretched? I suspect it's a sample rate issue.
@d-healey i will try that. Since i record from my Eurorack i usually just have one sample that gets pitched up and down. Is the best way to create multiple samples from the initial sample suplicating it with ableton timestretch?
Or is the best way reducing notes for either bass and lead to a fixed playable keyboard range? I am quite new to Sampling but multisample each key might not be possible - i will try this tho :)
@Straticah I think there's a preprocessor definition you can add for handling greater stretching ranges, but I can't remember what it is...
@Straticah you could record one sample per octave, so you'll have just a few more samples to handle but they won't be over-stretched.
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