Export Wizard Feedback
A cool idea for a cool feature. (I took a quick look, so maybe I missed something.) Anyway, some feedback -
Two items per page, page after page, is extra work for the user. One page.
The logic seems backwards. "If these things aren't checked, you have a problem." Tell the user if there's a problem, period.
The solutions, at least so far, are a bit like the "Fix Your Network Wizard" in operating systems — they don't really solve anything. When you give an answer to a user regarding a problem, it needs to be comprehensive — it can't solve the problem some of the time. Either solve it or don't. But always have an option for the user, which can simply be to go to the forum and ask, with a link to it. Don't try to solve the problem — create the impression that it was addressed.
Too much explaining, not enough communication.
1995 called. It wants its interface back.
There are many, many other settings that need to be correct for a HISE plugin to compile (as with any plugin). Only having a few candidates can frustrate users when it passes the Wizard, but doesn't compile.
When I finished the Wizard, nothing happened. The point of a Wizard is that it guides you through doing something. In this case, I'm expecting a plugin to be compiled. (Did I miss something?.)
One page with all the options. Red if there's a problem, yellow if the user needs to check something (i.e., HISE doesn't know) and green if it's fine. As you add more system checks, go to three pages — one for green, another for yellow, and another for red. The green page isn't necessarily needed though — if there's no problem, then information stating this is mostly noise.
Next to each option is a question icon that tells you about the option, and a wizard icon (whatever that is) to fix the issue. If there is no fix, have a hyperlink icon to the forum. (Don't make promises to the user you can't keep.) Until you can add more things, at least give the user a list of other things that can go wrong, and a link to where they can find stuff.
Make the interface contextual (especially as new checks are added.). If I'm using macOS, then IPP shouldn't be mentioned. Likewise for Faust, etc. Everything should fit on one page (so using more pages, if done, has a real reason other than something didn't fit).
When the Wizard is done, it compiles the plugin. This is a good point to see if the guidance was correct. If the Wizard passes, but the plugin doesn't compile, the user is frustrated — even HISE can't compile itself. This comes back to expectations you set. Be upfront, and tell users that this helps with some common issues, but necessarily, and where to go for help.
Jus my $0.02.