Custom Title Bar for Standalone
Let us use look and feel on the title bar.
This will further push the unified look across the platforms.
In JUCE, it's just this, for example:
MainWindow (juce::String name) : DocumentWindow (name, juce::Colour(0xff222222), DocumentWindow::closeButton | DocumentWindow::minimiseButton) { setUsingNativeTitleBar (false);
This will only show the minimize and close buttons, and disable the native title bar.
Then for look and feel it's this (probably messy as hell given how this is from my first JUCE project but you get the gist, I'm sure).
class CustomLookAndFeel : public juce::LookAndFeel_V4 { public: void drawDocumentWindowTitleBar(juce::DocumentWindow& window, juce::Graphics& g, int w, int h, int titleSpaceX, int titleSpaceW, const juce::Image* icon, bool drawTitleTextOnLeft) override { // Fill the title bar background g.fillAll(juce::Colour(0xff222222)); // Create a Typeface from the binary data juce::Typeface::Ptr typeface = juce::Typeface::createSystemTypefaceFor(GlobalFontData::Controls, GlobalFontData::ControlsSize); // Create a Font from the Typeface juce::Font font(typeface); // Use the font g.setFont(font.withPointHeight(18.0f)); g.setColour(juce::Colours::white); // Choose an appropriate text color // Retrieve the title of the window juce::String title = window.getName(); // Set the area where the title will be drawn juce::Rectangle<int> textArea(0, 0, window.getWidth(), h); // Draw the title text g.drawText(title, textArea, juce::Justification::centred, true); // Temporarily draw the text area for debugging //g.setColour(juce::Colours::red); //g.drawRect(textArea); } // Style the close button here, then create a new instance of it in the createDocumentWindowButton() method class CustomCloseButton : public juce::Button, private juce::Timer { public: CustomCloseButton(const juce::String& buttonName) : Button(buttonName) { startTimerHz(60); // Start the timer to update the color 60 times per second } void paintButton(juce::Graphics& g, bool shouldDrawButtonAsHighlighted, bool shouldDrawButtonAsDown) override { g.setColour(currentBackground); g.fillRect(0, 0, 40, 40); // Draw the background square g.setColour(currentColour); g.setFont(juce::Font("Arial", "Regular", 22.0f)); g.drawText("X", getLocalBounds(), juce::Justification::centred, true); } void timerCallback() override { // Update the color currentColour = currentColour.interpolatedWith(targetColour, 0.2f); currentBackground = currentBackground.interpolatedWith(targetBackground, 0.2f); repaint(); } void mouseEnter(const juce::MouseEvent&) override { targetColour = juce::Colour(0xffd2d2d2); // Highlighted color targetBackground = juce::Colour(0x10ffffff); // Highlighted color } void mouseExit(const juce::MouseEvent&) override { targetColour = juce::Colour(0xffbababa); // Mouse off color targetBackground = juce::Colour(0x0000000); // Mouse off color } void mouseDown(const juce::MouseEvent& event) override { targetColour = juce::Colour(0xffe9e9e9); // Down color targetBackground = juce::Colour(0x20ffffff); // Down color Button::mouseDown(event); // Pass the event to the parent class } void mouseUp(const juce::MouseEvent& event) override { targetColour = juce::Colour(0xffd2d2d2); // Highlighted color targetBackground = juce::Colour(0x10ffffff); // Highlighted color Button::mouseUp(event); // Pass the event to the parent class } private: juce::Colour currentColour = juce::Colour(0xffbababa); // Initial color juce::Colour targetColour = juce::Colour(0xffbababa); // Initial target color juce::Colour currentBackground = juce::Colour(0x00000000); // Initial background color juce::Colour targetBackground = juce::Colour(0x00000000); // Initial target background color }; // Style the minimize button here, then create a new instance of it in the createDocumentWindowButton() method class CustomMinimizeButton : public juce::Button, private juce::Timer { public: CustomMinimizeButton(const juce::String& buttonName) : Button(buttonName) { startTimerHz(60); // Start the timer to update the color 60 times per second } void paintButton(juce::Graphics& g, bool shouldDrawButtonAsHighlighted, bool shouldDrawButtonAsDown) override { g.setColour(currentBackground); g.fillRect(0, 0, 40, 40); // Draw the background square g.setColour(currentColour); g.setFont(juce::Font("Arial", "Regular", 22.0f)); g.drawText("/", getLocalBounds(), juce::Justification::centred, true); } void timerCallback() override { // Update the color currentColour = currentColour.interpolatedWith(targetColour, 0.2f); currentBackground = currentBackground.interpolatedWith(targetBackground, 0.2f); repaint(); } void mouseEnter(const juce::MouseEvent&) override { targetColour = juce::Colour(0xffd2d2d2); // Highlighted color targetBackground = juce::Colour(0x10ffffff); // Highlighted color } void mouseExit(const juce::MouseEvent&) override { targetColour = juce::Colour(0xffbababa); // Mouse off color targetBackground = juce::Colour(0x0000000); // Mouse off color } void mouseDown(const juce::MouseEvent& event) override { targetColour = juce::Colour(0xffe9e9e9); // Down color targetBackground = juce::Colour(0x20ffffff); // Down color Button::mouseDown(event); // Pass the event to the parent class } void mouseUp(const juce::MouseEvent& event) override { targetColour = juce::Colour(0xffd2d2d2); // Highlighted color targetBackground = juce::Colour(0x10ffffff); // Highlighted color Button::mouseUp(event); // Pass the event to the parent class } private: juce::Colour currentColour = juce::Colour(0xffbababa); // Initial color juce::Colour targetColour = juce::Colour(0xffbababa); // Initial target color juce::Colour currentBackground = juce::Colour(0x00000000); // Initial background color juce::Colour targetBackground = juce::Colour(0x00000000); // Initial target background color }; juce::Button* createDocumentWindowButton(int buttonType) override { // Here you can create your custom buttons. You can check the buttonType to determine which button to create. if (buttonType == juce::DocumentWindow::minimiseButton) { return new CustomMinimizeButton("minimize"); } else if (buttonType == juce::DocumentWindow::maximiseButton) { // Create your custom maximize button } else if (buttonType == juce::DocumentWindow::closeButton) { return new CustomCloseButton("close"); } // Call the base class implementation if you want to keep the default look and feel return LookAndFeel_V4::createDocumentWindowButton(buttonType); } };
In HISE, it would be
, register a function to a LAF object and then call something like Content.setTitleBarLookAndFeel (LAF). How would previewing it go, though? Probably a floating tile? -