What is "You need a sampler with the name "Sampler" in the Master Chain! "?
Exporting as Monolith. I'm assuming it doesn't mean the sampler ID. Regardless, my sampler isn't in the Master Chain. Any ideas? Cheers and thank you.
@clevername27 add a sampler called Sampler and see if it works
@d-healey Thank you, David. That got me past the error message. When I then select the Tools menu option to covert samples to Monolith, HISE begins exporting…gets about 1/3 of the way through…and then crashes. Any ideas there? Thanks and cheers.
Of possible note - when I export the samples as an archive, I simply get a 96-byte hr.1 file. The file contains a header with the name of HISE project, and that's all.
EDIT: Since the reported problem was solved (thank you), I'm opening a new topic on the crash.