Allowed characters in UI element IDs
I'd like to give my UI controls names like TRIG MODE (Kbd / GM Drum Map). So I used the field Text for that but it turned out this doesn't exactly do what I want: Show this string when I add a UI control to my Cubase Quick Controls. What's shown there, is the ID name of the UI element, So I tried to put my nice readable string into the ID field. As you'd expect, it won't accept that input and tells me to not use blank spaces. But to my surprise, when I only entered TRIG MODE by accident, it was accepted. So it seems whitespace is not a problem but rather the parentheses and/or slash or maybe the character count exceeded a given limit.
So I wonder: What kind of characters are accepted for IDs? Can stuff like parentheses and slashes be used but only when given as some entity?
This should be it, no?
@d-healey Damn… didn't ever notice that. Thanks!
…And, is there a way to not have displayed all the other MIDI CC controllers which I don't make use of in my plugin? It's a very long list:
@Frankbeat I don't know, I'm not familiar with Cubase.
@d-healey I don't think this is specific to Cubase. I have some other Plugins running that only show a list that is limited to the Parameters that are used by the interface so it seems to be a setting given by the build.
Well… if I think about it… I shouldn't bother with it and instead focus on designing my interface in a way it won't urge a user to switch to generic mode :face_with_tears_of_joy: