Make one combobox control the waveform choice on 3 different LFOs
Im sure this is a simple solution but I've been banging my head against the wall. Im a coding novice, been learning from tutorials and chat gpt helps a bit. Thanks for any help!
Max -
You need to script it, don't use the "Property Editor" to connect the combobox to the LFOs
If you put the 3 LFOs in an array and then iterate though them and apply the value from the combobox
// this is grabbing the references to all LFOs with "LFO Modulator" inside their id's const LFOs = Synth.getAllModulators("LFO Modulator"); inline function onWaveFormCmbControl(component, value) { for (w in LFOs) w.setAttribute(w.WaveFormType, value); }; Content.getComponent("WaveFormCmb").setControlCallback(onWaveFormCmbControl);
@ulrik That worked like a charm, thank you so much! The array is what I've been missing. many thanks