UI does not work on Load. Works after Compile
I'm currently prototyping out a UI, which I'll refactor and clean up the code later, but I wanted to at least test it with a subset of the instrument's samples: Simple round robin selector and label.
The problem that I am running into right now is that the UI will not update unless I hit compile.
After that, everything works fine; however, I tested the vst3 of the instrument and all the underlying instrument logic (the important stuff) works except that the UI will not update as it should—like after I hit compile.
gGroupCounter is a global variable on a script beneath the interface where all my GroupTracking logic is occuring.
Content.makeFrontInterface(600, 600); Synth.deferCallbacks(true); const var Keyboard1 = Content.getComponent("Keyboard1"); const var Label1 = Content.getComponent("Label1"); for(i = 48; i < 79 + 1; i++ ) { Engine.setKeyColour(i, Colours.withAlpha(Colours.aquamarine, 0.5)); } //Black keys within range. Engine.setKeyColour(49, 0x00); Engine.setKeyColour(51, 0x00); Engine.setKeyColour(54, 0x00); Engine.setKeyColour(56, 0x00); Engine.setKeyColour(58, 0x00); Engine.setKeyColour(61, 0x00); Engine.setKeyColour(63, 0x00); Engine.setKeyColour(66, 0x00); Engine.setKeyColour(68, 0x00); Engine.setKeyColour(70, 0x00); Engine.setKeyColour(73, 0x00); Engine.setKeyColour(75, 0x00); Engine.setKeyColour(78, 0x00); Engine.setKeyColour(36, Colours.withAlpha(Colours.gold, 0.5)); Engine.setKeyColour(37, Colours.withAlpha(Colours.red, 0.5)); Engine.setKeyColour(38, Colours.withAlpha(Colours.red, 0.5)); Label1.set("text", gGroupCounter + 1);
Note On:
function onNoteOn() { Label1.set("text", gGroupCounter + 1); switch(gGroupCounter) { case 0: Engine.setKeyColour(36, Colours.withAlpha(Colours.gold, 0.5)); Engine.setKeyColour(37, Colours.withAlpha(Colours.red, 0.5)); Engine.setKeyColour(38, Colours.withAlpha(Colours.red, 0.5)); break; case 1: Engine.setKeyColour(37, Colours.withAlpha(Colours.gold, 0.5)); Engine.setKeyColour(38, Colours.withAlpha(Colours.red, 0.5)); Engine.setKeyColour(36, Colours.withAlpha(Colours.red, 0.5)); break; case 2: Engine.setKeyColour(38, Colours.withAlpha(Colours.gold, 0.5)); Engine.setKeyColour(36, Colours.withAlpha(Colours.red, 0.5)); Engine.setKeyColour(37, Colours.withAlpha(Colours.red, 0.5)); break; } }
@Confuzzled Scripts run in order, so if your global variable script is below your interface script the global variable will be updated after your interface script's on note callback.
Avoid using global variables, 99% of the time there is a better (cleaner) alternative.
@d-healey That's what I thought was going on.
Ya, it's for a quick demo, which is why I did it in this instance.
It'll be cleaned up later, haha.