Midi file drag and drop not working
I'm using HISE 3.6.0 and the Midi Player: midi file drag and drop is not working. I put a midi loop in the midi file folder of the project directory and then tried to drag and drop it into the Midi File Player's "drop zone" and nothing happens. I also tried dragging from the Mac OS finder ... still doesn't work.
I just tried again and this time I got it to work by dragging the midi file from the macOS finder winder as opposed to the HISE project folder directory inside of HISE. Seems kind of odd for it not to work inside of HISE though.
@ElectroBlue Also, is there a way to make a midi loop automatically play whenever you press a key on the midi keyboard? Like how the arpeggiator works.. this way I can just add an ON/Off button in the UI for the midi loop.
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