It´s possible to use Juce::MidiOut class and member functions in Hise ?
As somebody know, Juce has a MidiOut class with some member functions that could be very usefull in Hise (getAvailableDevices(), openDevice(), sendMessageNow() ) ...
HISE , at the moment, can,t really access any MidiOutput object(device) and when you use Messsage.sendtoMidiOut() no midi message is really sended to any real midi device since you can ´t previously create o access any.
It is not within my current possibilities find how to wrapp this Juce class or writte the code to do that. Anyway I would be very grateful. if somebody could show any way to do that.
I`m working now in an App-plugin that need to access to midi Out devices to take his full functionality:
Thanks everybody.