Preset Browser Dialog text input position
Hey guys, is there a way to change the position of the text input field in a preset browser pop up dialog? I know that I can use obj.labelArea to draw a rectangle in the place where it sits but how can I change its actual position?
Also, am I assuming correctly that there is no way using LAF to have each of the three dialog popups (Add, Rename, Delete) be styled differently?
Thanks :)
@alhug I don't think you can change the text position but you can style them differently, use the "title" property of the obj to know which popup window is being displayed.
@d-healey works like a charm!
laf.registerFunction("drawPresetBrowserDialog", function(g, obj) { if (obj.title == "Delete User Preset") { //draw delete dialog } else if (obj.title == "Rename User Preset") { //draw rename dialog } else if (obj.title == "Add new User Preset") { //draw add dialog } });