Shaking the Tree?
EDIT: Figured it out. If anyone has this problem, DM me. Cheers to @ulrik and @d-healey for at least responding to my post.
Sometimes when you dynamically or change the parameters of a component, the properties don't update visually unless you "shake the component tree".
You do this by making a change in the component tree with the IDE. Sometimes, simply clicking on the component's name will do it. Other times, you need to change something in the tree—it doesn't matter what you do—for example., you can simply drag any component elsewhere in the tree.
In the example below, I'm simply deleting an unrelated component to "shake the tree". Doing so makes the problematic component (a panel) appear properly.
@clevername27 Never occurred on my side...
Don't really understand the issue, but doesn't clicking the refresh button at the top of the interface designer, or hitting compile in the scripting editor do the same thing?
@d-healey Thank you for your response, David (and @ustk). Compiling doesn't fix it because the panel is added dynamically (AddPanel); compiling creates the panel, but it doesn't appear unless you change something (anything) in the hierarchical component browser. Appears to be a bug. (I've had this issue a number of times.)
@clevername27 I think this is where I get off the HISE train. Just too many bugs.
As far as I know you shouldn't add any components dynamically (except child panels).
@d-healey Understood. (By dynamically, I mean at INIT, as opposed to creating in the visual editor.) It's a factory generating the panel - the problem appears to be when the panel is created inside a hierarchy.
C clevername27 has marked this topic as solved on
@clevername27 Oh I see, I thought you meant they were created by the user clicking a button or something.
I just did a little test, I don't see an issue on my system. Does it work for you?
HiseSnippet 826.3ocsV00aSCCE0tqYrVXHlD+.h5ScRio9w5FRHDi0OfJXaUzwDuMYRbWrVhcTh6FUH9MweMdfm3E353jlzrtt0JQdn09dt2bN1956MCBDVzvPQ.BW5rI9TD9IFCmvkNscHLNpeGD9oFGSBkz.Ssoil3SBCo1HLds2oLfKUDE87q2bDwkvsnolPnyELK5GYdLYp0AG9AlqaOhM8LlWFu26v9VBdagqXLnm0Lpg7IVWQtjdBQ4VACDd8t1LoHXnjHogfOGIrmLzQbCW6+4rP1WcopI0QCgWj1LpsCy0dPxZMDgvEGjtxWSuxetwwLa1T6o6.OKBvLMhr6A3BKRR0WBIgyHohZIskwPq.luLEQomGazmCGHiHvVcVon8EU38ELZK.O3xc8HWQ6E.SlFQ08qUaGS3mseU4xv1cnzzmvot0MesYRTDa6AJaUqD8W8J6XBwnhP65tgTY0JNT1kNR.qUs7P2vrkNSQxRSi6llF4nog9c4SB.maK77EbX.3Thpx43T8znU92QhdzHY0Sy6VOMyomlKVOMpjywo5o9AsxAknGMxnwbKISvME7SDR5o7paW96kKU9GkMyCMZzbwTqf.gqKMXtvpqYAKJvp7wdekFri40D2wzoNB4gylbu9CK41RuglwQAuOmIO0mFOumv0VkzpFe6qBn3SDXzm62gHIpaGw1.+7oARlRN3NzqgxK56JkL5PCuRJ7i7M9zAjrLBcyjaRpSADCndCCcZD5aHrAVU+YRx.8IG7JW+2XcoonCrrFlgiGcObzXNbjKMJidRY+OnbrmXXoXu4RvdiLr+y7rmX.c6BUPIRg8XWhb15lpFDw.P91LEqTEj3gL4jrMPVhho0VXwzGpD2xX.SZ4LeMVXNZD16+enw3VPaZzczHpkLUfEM58kUsey8P+mDikL9kGSjALUFxIi8FBcdsn.6bHWHTkrTPcaTOuVRxyPJ2NZxegmXv5p43Xv5IfHOhUf3BKcUFUStMhr.ZhG0SuD7wEvby5nnJOPbF01sFxC52dgkkZ4+Bn.w7iowJDSyUHl8VgXZsBwr+JDyAqPLubgwn9Tm2NVJ7zWG.CC5FUBFi6xIPlUTVH5eNF8t0.