Transport handler recognize daw record?
In my current project I could use a way to find out if the daw is recording or not, would it be possible to extend the TransportHandler functions to include that?
@ulrik I also wonder if there is a way for a plugin to find out if it's track is active or not (selected)?
@ulrik I see that Juce has the "getIsRecording()" boolean check
True if the transport is currently recording.
@ulrik Yes, you can - just uncomment the lines in the C++ for that, and use the Playhead API in HISE. (Ask me if you need more info.)
@ulrik Going from memory here - I think you need to use ARA for track selection. (That's what I used in SpectraLayers.)
@clevername27 Please tell me more :)
@ulrik In MainController.cpp, uncomment these four things:
var myPlayhead = Engine.getPlayHead();
var isRecording = myPlayhead. isRecording; -
@clevername27 ARA is a plugin format that allows access to host information. When I was designing the Steinberg version of SpectraLayers, I chose to make it an ARA plugin so we had access.
@clevername27 Thanks a lot!