Syntesizer Group Voice Amount Setting (Permanent)
Anyone know of a way to make a syntetizer group remember the voice amount setting? Not talking about the unison voices, just the synth group voices.
I need them to stay at 2 max. But when a reload the project the voice return to 256.
Can I script this in? if so how?Thank you!
I think that is what you want!const var Sampler1 = Synth.getSampler("Sampler1"); //Changes the soft limit (recommended) Sampler1.setAttribute(4, 2); //Changes the hard limit Sampler1.setAttribute(6, 2);
Be sure to set the soft limit to +1 of your wished voices, with 2 for example it will always fade out the 2nd basically beeing 1.
@VorosMusic So I'm using WaveTable Synths instead of samplers. The Attribute ID for the number of voices is not listed in the HISE Docs. But I gave it a shot anyways. Just replace Sampler1 with the name of my wavetable synth. It didn't work with 4 or 6. But it did with Attribute #2. So yes!. Thank you so very much for your help.
@RastaChess If you're not able to find the attributes for a module you can set up a loop and log its attributes like this:
for (i = 0; i < WavetableSynthesiser1.getNumAttributes(); i++) Console.print(WavetableSynthesiser1.getAttributeId(i));
And it will log this:
Interface: Gain Interface: Balance Interface: VoiceLimit Interface: KillFadeTime Interface: HqMode Interface: LoadedBankIndex
So here you can see the attribute name "VoiceLimit" and then set it like this:
WavetableSynthesiser1.setAttribute(WavetableSynthesiser1.VoiceLimit, 2);
@ulrik SUPER valuable tip. Thank you so much.