Problems with Multimics and length error message
I am working on a project with a very large number of samples and in trying to move my samples into multimics, using 'merge sample files to multimic sounds' I am getting the length error message. I did try importing everything into the correct velocity, dynamic and multimic using the filename token parser but it doesn't seem to be able to take that many samples. It seems to only be one sample that is the 'wrong length' but I have double checked (and triple checked!) and it is identical in length to the other respective mic signals. When importing a whole dynamic layer (all mic signals), with the sample in, I get the error message but when I just drag in the single note ('broken sample') with (all mic signals) it goes into multimics fine. Is HISE getting confused with the number of samples? I am pretty confident the problem isn't with the sample length itself. Any ideas on getting rid of the error message?
@afinch Send me the samples, I'll check it out when I'm back home on Wednesday
At least one of your mics has a different length
@d-healey ahhh ok it seems that the file with the wrong length wasn’t the one that was appearing in the error message. Why is it that the samples did successfully merge if I just imported all the ‘66_’ samples?
@afinch It didn't when I tried.
@d-healey I think I have it working now, thank you so much! :)