.gitignore and Autosave_x.hip files
Although I'm not sure I want to ignore the entire folder
Sure you do :p git can't version control the contents of binary files so there's not much point in tracking them, unless it's just as a backup, but then you should probably just use a backup system.
Oh wait wait wait! They are not in the user preset folder but just the preset one I don't care at all! I'm too tired Dave!
This is definitely irritating... I ignored the entire Presets folder but the autosave files are still tracked...
@ustk Show me your gitignore
Oh wait it seems to work! I think it is necessary to wait for new autosaves to happen before seeing them ignored...
@d-healey I don't know about the extra slash, I took the example online when you need to ignore an entire folder so I did the same...
@d-healey They are reappearing! And I also tried without the extra slash..
I think I know what the problem is - https://www.git-tower.com/learn/git/faq/ignore-tracked-files-in-git/
@d-healey Hero!