How to change Group with Combo Box and slider
How to change Groups with Combo Box and slider?
What do you mean by change groups?
@d-healey I mean.. I want to place Saw,Sine,Triangle & Noise samples and from the interface I want o change the samples.
Just want to make sure I fully understand.
So you have a sampler, and in one group you have a Saw sample, in another a Sine sample, another a Triangle sample, etc. And you want to be able to change which group which sample is in?
@d-healey Yeah yeah.. Just like Kontakt when user changes the group from interface the sound gets changed.
Basically I want to put (20x48) saw samples in 20 Groups. And I want to change the SAW sounds by changing the groups.
I get it now. The groups won't be changing, but the active group (the one that's playing) will be changed.
I have a video that covers articulation changing:
If you want to do it with keyswitches then I have a script you can use here: is a tutorial on my Patreon page for how to use the script, but you can probably figure it out without the video anyway.
@d-healey Ok... Will try. :)
@d-healey Your video and scripts are very helpful. But I have a custom keyboard and I have 25 different types of sounds.
so, instead of key switches, is there anyway to do similar things from Button,Knob,ComboBox etc?T
@Tania-Ghosh Same principle, just use combo box value instead of array index.
@d-healey Gotcha.