Collaborative project!
@hisefilo Neither do I... Maybe a buffer emptying on @lalalandsynth computer somehow...
@hisefilo So you were talking about some grit in the Leslie isn't it?
@ustk said in Collaborative project!:
@hisefilo So you were talking about some grit in the Leslie isn't it?
Yes. Kind of limiter/preamp thing. was wondering if filters on DSP you placed can be bypassed or something, to make it more aggressive....
don't know, no idea how to get something like that -
@ustk said in Collaborative project!:
@hisefilo So you were talking about some grit in the Leslie isn't it?
super clear at 2:25 on this video
@hisefilo There are no filters anymore, just crossover...
I'm trying to add saturation and maybe a speaker IR -
@ustk ohhhh..... then my ears were right!!!! I felt it a bit more aggressive lately :)
can you guys send your logos???
@hisefilo I got one but it's crappy... I will need someone to design one anyway because my website is under construction...
@hisefilo So I am testing saturation and it should work.
Although the IR I have is from a guitar speaker so highs are cut... Need a full range IR! -
@ustk send me the one you have. i can tweak it . worked 20 years in advertising :)
@hisefilo Here you go, I don't remember where I got this one... I might have made it myself...
@lalalandsynth said in Collaborative project!:
Click panning is weird.
Leslie is phase-y , especially at 1. - EDIT -Changed need to test again
With no chorus , no leslie, its still stereo , it might be the 2nd 3rd as they are panned and not sure if I am shutting them of with the Perc knob as that is assigned to keyclick.
Keyclick might be too loud, optimal solution , make it settable via knob.
Or maybe it just too noticable panned like that ? -
Leakage noise is weird , especially when you max it , not very helpful comment , not sure how it should sound ?
Chorus sounds great and is mono compatible.
Reverb is nice.
I get audio dropouts when switching the PERC switch.
Sounds lovely with Leslie at 1 and Chorus ! Yummy !
100% Gui size feels a bit large on my monitor. 1920 x1080, definite switch to 75% for me. ?
- fixed
- fixed
- tweaking it (leakage is kind of noise in real life. you cannot split it in a real hammond. but at sound analysis is like filtered noise)
- Yes. me too. 100% fits. 75% is more confortable. But many guys have 21 or 23 monitor on studios
@hisefilo Could you please edit your post with numbers so it's clearer?
@ustk The PERC dropout occurs because it's directly the containers that are shut off.
They need to have a SimpleGain FX set to -100dB instead
Could you do it? I'm working on the Leslie and not ready to push... -
@ustk Next time we'll need a kind of online todo list...
@hisefilo Buttons in the menu shouldn't be saved in preset. In this case, each time you select a preset the panel closes...
@ustk said in Collaborative project!:
@hisefilo Buttons in the menu shouldn't be saved in preset. In this case, each time you select a preset the panel closes...
Yep, forgot about that
@hisefilo Have you had the time to prepare the IR?
@ustk not yet!!