protest synth :)
well... there are antigovernmental protest happening in my country, every evening people hit pans/pots for 15minutes and use noise as a protest... though a lot of pans are ruined, so i thought why not make a standalone synth with pan/pot sounds on it and preserve the valuable kitchen equipment especialy in this virus crisis period...
i made a simple instrument yesterday and posted an instructional/how to make your own video - for ppl whom want to build their own using HISE!
you can watch the video on inst here : (the texts are in albanian language though :) )
the source files are here:!tJxxUZSa!9X09lMoMNZQeFs513rNuXDRDfOCpWc4lemPpslkBt1U
i would be gratefull and apprecciative if someone could compile the mac standalone since i do not own a mac and some people use only macs and are asking for osx version...
the compiled win version is here:!5NoFBT6Y!HkGgrt8xX6pKdFnOZcZzilqT9KnPjGPQqz24_GjR7DA
stay safe everyone!
@musictop I'll compile for you, and it's for a good sake I guess :)
@ulrik thank you sir, much aprecciated!
@musictop Here's a link to the Standalone, VST, VST3 and au for MacOS, you might have to wait a couple of minutes before all files are uploaded.!AvIFFtWv2xkQ0HaUl1727qMrtIl9?e=o7VJ5E -
@musictop They are uploaded now
@ulrik thank you so much... highly aprecciated!