3 band EQ controls via script
Your GUI has a lot of controls, I have no idea which knob controls the EQ.
Make a simple project with 2 EQs and 2 knobs, once you get that working you'll know what to do.
@d-healey Ok will do, thanks :)
@d-healey Sorry to bother you again David, here is a snippet with two controls only.
As you can see, they both affect EQ1...HiseSnippet 1538.3oc6YssaSbDFdW6rs3kCBPbQuoRqP8BGEZv1DNHkVwhcrCQEm3XGPUBgPS1cr8HVOyxrylhoBItr8In21WfJ0q508cnu.8Qf2f1+YO3cViavwkRQf8UY9OMe++y+IG2gybvAALtldoCF6i0zOiQuwTwvFCQDp1NaooeNi1n.AlaESp9XeTP.1USWu31RB5kVQK5yqtccjGh5fyHoo8.FwAeOxHhHiZG6ug340B4hOfLRQ5Mr2wgQav7Xg.dJZTQyG47Dz.7tHoXELzz+jltDAi2SfD3.M8UpybG2aH66nwx+.R.4POr7PUsdfghI2h44JQr7u0ZLj341I0uCz.i1IKJTLNJbIi1DWxD5YQiyGwvJSC03gdgiCdUWP3oq.uUhg2EL54vI9hLNRrcZicnvCUeD7DnBqXY0J7KELZv.Inh0GgdBtEGNLQix2nRkqXc8JUVcyyZdVSSyqd0s4nCsfWDAm4Yww8wbL75FXBjBDVGg3VM225qsd3i1LGoG2XucOn6d2qGvqlJq9b7SSj2rOiaUl.mproEw5q.AsHqs1pleuYol6+Pxi.NQ4gqO.KZ1uO1QT9xM2+xqUlrV0UWcSyWXV50rgxUOwZVvG48FaxT2GLZC1HeFENT9xR9pVV56sBoNBBiZNiaYcOLcfXXxcTBfbojqX8.ogiBXMPddGBoukcFhnCffM9oPn0zrDXeB0iPwV8StCKEQJ6jhqq.wLuPrzIjWv+P7pToXeT8ST.TBk6HDbxggBb4XRxaH0raVBz8EluXBHXzcYB7dzxQOBPXvZZV86OSdINrGlOS1xZb9woXYZ3nCwbE+MRPHYOe0zomupIm32XEAYzcnDwd93jyY0aRdwdcJ2JZSbVURY9nJ0HWaFhkQ50Km0RxAgB6BIhChJhJqOWRYcOOhKlqQ.L9oFxTqpZQwlrVk0s0lakqMsxaaqc+c1BIPxlKIvAfnOlKHx.s9V3ift1wsZJYrEN3IBleDdSxMgGi2Hhe1jK7k20db1s2xdDyEK6VISGCgVJi0FoNGYC6QnLk+g+vFl932i7br5nlfv98IfTFFV284f9ttd3Nr.hL0RJmtTL+ex1E2GE5IdP9HvFxv2b6K0T7kednpub22O7kWe.ALlh4F5gD4mcIGXmvPZa0gDxAAT3NGqhrSv.sJybfV0YUALmv8BFcHBmgyFuElAdkkT+Gi2j0CNqQ7LoLvthQqucQ2EXwfxmGCkKZzSvwHHqaPOzHenCUDdLMRNU8swFa9y8Fac3XOFxMeJ9uaWGRww77T+U6nq5NiXgzb2UBx6h8wHQ6nBrTlmxta2s4rP+o05U2NJY4.NLxEBEpL1ihg3tP0GavYAA8A2IxVApr5DxGHiUYT5hOByCxSa2vQvaOkh8.kMzkUn2O.KeqINsQvT2moJczsT4.Tz6MrFaz4pSct1Tmu1Tm2XpyWepy2Xpy2L6bb.sMxWlYHWidpIqmZ9lrBFnCBbYkEtqSFLw3whmuEihQmDyivkhMdOb6729My9226s37A22vWfnTJF6QjOaMoGA0q.EIFuHLpOZBSJ078NZynL+gLJwIe0AjsOX.lqh8Y5Pv1nPwYFkKY2E6gQAJk2eg88fEiQ77E8mnXQ04OVbbuWelQLbsjM7r9vXlYwOflYtfe+YyzkZaDxOB27oQ3vvn494S0g16sHdv2LdR285Hpakjvl8u8iErkDpptSsjPs7yVotWaZBajQ371sZcPSpraXr2W7sTRtVWVn.FBlNHx.bmdvDZGr5LqBx4fwmqHOKgTObjWZn+WvmDlUSCARlUSYNuIjmKYODKvq3h2yqdNiQzjSK4hN+eA02EucNolB7sj+N5qCpWDOIcrfGr1imZihzulBr.wBrGZsk6gtbOzk6gtbOzEXOzZK2Cc4dnebrGZsSvdnu7V+4EVtG5x8P+HdOz2EnbDxgydbxuCpDqmJhBfRZzuKcIi1xyVS9QZLLprdE4+GexicbjsW9RHBOacps.5bsEPmMV.ct9BnyMV.ct4BnysNVcjKecmPAaT7nGfPmlwIV5J84z9azMWTdF
As you can see, they both affect EQ1...
They also both affect EQ2
Is there a reason you're using a callback instead of parameter/processor ID?
I think you'll benefit from this video
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T40GCkxx8iwThis piece of code should be 1 loop, you have 3. (Edit: Actually I see in your real project you have consolidated them) :) .
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++) { EQ[i] = Synth.getEffect("EQ"+(i+1)); } for (i = 0; i < EQ_CONTROLS; i++) { freq[i] = Content.getComponent("freq"+(i+1)); } //Function for (i = 0; i < EQ.length; i++) { freq[i].setControlCallback(changeFreq0); }
This array could have a better name
const var freq = [];
Something like:
const var sliFreq = []
So we know it contains sliders and not frequency values for example.
@d-healey Thanks a lot!
@d-healey The reason why I'm not using the parameter/processor ID is that in my real project is that I have a lot of controls and I wanted to avoid having hundreds of lines of scripting repeating the same commands. Maybe I am wrong :)
@alepan Parameter ID requires no scripting, just select the processor and parameter in the interface designer.
@d-healey said in 3 band EQ controls via script:
@alepan Parameter ID requires no scripting, just select the processor and parameter in the interface designer.
Yeah I know, the fact is that only the first band is accessible in that way, and I have three bands in each eq.
I really can't figure out why all eqs are controlled by each slider. If you think it possible, can you explain me where the problem lies?
@alepan said in 3 band EQ controls via script:
Yeah I know, the fact is that only the first band is accessible in that way
Oh I didn't know that.
I really can't figure out why all eqs are controlled by each slider. If you think it possible, can you explain me where the problem lies?
You have a loop that is doing the same thing to each EQ. Dismantle your loop and write it out line by line instead and you'll see why it's doing what it's doing.
@d-healey OK I managed to do it :)
I needed a local variable to get the IDs of the component being used and an if statement to compare that number with the counter:inline function changeFreq0(component, value) { local idx = freq.indexOf(component); for (i = 0; i <= 13; i++) { if (i == idx) EQ[i].setAttribute(EQ[i].Freq, value); } }
Thanks a lot for the support David :)