Where can I locate exported .vst file?
Hise successfully compiled my project, however when I look in the builds folder for that project, I have:
Synth.vstThe .component and .vst files are aliases. When I place the alias files in the respective component and vst folders within my plugins folder, my daw does not read them. Do I need to place the .a file somewhere specific? Is it correct to get .component and .vst alias files from a successful vsti export?
@HouseBeats yes they are aliases and the originals should be in: YourName/library/audio/PlugIns, check there
@ulrik Yes, thanks so much I found them. Is it possible to export the .vst and the .component parts separately? I am having an issue when I choose export format VSTi + AUi, but it exports fine as VSTi or AUi.
@HouseBeats I don't understand what you mean, you can export them one by one or both together I don't know any other way.