Possible to sync 2 viewports?
I have 2 viewports side by side, first contains names of all articulations and second contains CC value corresponding to each articulation.
There are a lot of articulations so I have to scroll the viewport and it would be nice if the second viewport scrolled along, is it possible to script you think? -
@ulrik Never mind, it was a bad idea...
Why don't you combine both in 1 viewport?
@ustk you mean 2 viewports inside another viewport?
@ulrik Nope, I mean to combine the 2 strings "Articulation Name" + "CC" in one single viewport
@ustk aha, ok, well that would work but I want the user to be able to change cc per articulation, would that be possible? Maybe with each CC as variables?
@ulrik Sorry but I don't get it... If the user can change the CC, that means they have to navigate in the second viewport, so where is the point to synchronise them? Maybe to see the one that is set by default?
Sorry, I don't know much about Articulation and CC... -
This is how it looks now, articulations at left and corresponding cc value (default values), on the right side, here it easy to see what value corresponds to what articulation, but if I scroll down to see the other articulations I can't see corresponding values.
And I want the user to be able to change cc... -
I see... The fact is that you can't access the viewport scrolling via scripting afaik
@ustk Ok, I understand, I will figure out another way to do it, thanks for all help! :)
@ulrik It displays the associated CC when selecting the articulation (not when scrolling) while allowing users to change it
HiseSnippet 1022.3ocsV0uaaaCDmxwZnVcdncXO.D4uTPcSkTrc6vPQciRRgQSRMp6LFPQQAiDsEQjHEjnalQQeD16vdD6av5QIYKoDmuLvLBCv8E4uemNdGGkH7noohDjVqOrHlhz9Y8wK3x.2.BiiFd.R6WzOgjJoI3bU6uHljlR8QZZa8FkBsVMQY+99q1mDR3dzRUHzDAyidLKhIK0NZvaYggGQ7oefEUw6tCF5I3thPwb.OaoaghIdmSlQOknbqgNR6mNzmIEIikDIME7Yeg+hwAhK349OgkxNKjpDrQigMJWMxMfE5OZIWSQHsliJY9V4L+2zOg4yVouLC7nLC3xHplCzZTGRMqAI6qCRGIB8Uav0.OsJvqYN7dr9XuDVrrzhBaOTeHG93Lk.o8pvJ2WTCyszcEfGb4tQjyoGk.BqhvrukUGbOKqc9i1FsMfjepD+ERBdBidQrHQZieIdY3ynRWQTrfCBlauxisUwd0Hct0HctTjGSNiFd8GXt4syQZaim8L7XHqSwAT3ex.J10EGCUojDIyadHQxD7paOnG73k3O1qCta1e1cvNcv8+TwNx3gLNEOcN2SEKVvWwQEhRDgldKgSGXKCmS2oswWaazZEi1MkJmnLXlcZeLyoOgeJ1VA6J94EP3yn9lJ0eCV2ZNVsyEnvkDFdFbuv7p.bYx4lHiysPFUhkJUYSUl8t.OmaCdNUfWEDcpPReG2bGiuZzx3aF3KaZ5z0ZqXyBoIq0rpkRxMEnIedzYzjkrdoiv8r5Wje3c6hrWdtohiB9PNS9tXZgb4UcksbVuzpEZEYqppjiU0lQs03Vopq1IAU7sC5oznvcvUYVGkesniB0e4WJDyW0RYUcEJKGU1g9QCP26Mw4xax2eE5OGd.QRT84JfG.Y3xqjoR7ZGP+BLzHuqWK8CnomKEwY3un1Co8f6LC96xC98CVTJb7fKX9x.jlt1+.hAT1r.oR5DPhIoQ.Rln+5JcSrMpJ4TSZuZRcqI0qlTeCz7TXhXJbXZMPa.mbpvo+keMbJnFmFARUN0B58DcWWaCWWGXsGr5BqdvpOrdNrdAr9cXYaY.Csux.IXrnvWwp5yJUOJnv.P2ZCkTCd3oL4hpEC2iAnVqc.p85J6uiv8w5iXRuf0i2FqAup6Q+Oi2hmizV+voSodxRv1T+n+ZSe6w8.JuWLWx3yNgHSXPkl9oyiFCuHyiBHgyogopJpFpVK4xVJYUlYLk6mI7evuBi1JYsBi1KMhhHdIhO6k2KQ8fmGjoAvDO6sdsfGcBx3Ucfz0s10BEAuC6yddpTwSAru9Xb1fX1aCho6FDSuMHl9aPLOeCh4E2XLpm.+54RQT90DPwnCyZhqocHm.UYYUjnevkxuQ.
Actually, I made a mistake...
Here you go:HiseSnippet 1040.3ocsV0uaSiDDecZLGwb4zwId.V0+JUDJ1tIANPnqT21SQGsDQfnSBUg1ZuIdUs20xdC8hP7Hv6.Oh7FvMq+H19ZJoMRWT2JMes6uei2clYTrvkljHhQZsd6hHJR6m0GufK8c7ILNZ3gHseQ+DRhjFiyTcvhHRRB0Coos0epTn0pIJ8229iCHADtKsTEBMQvbouhExjkZGs+ewBBNl3QeKKrh281enqf6HBDyA7rktIJh3dAYF8ThxsF5Hs6bjGSJhGKIRZB3yABuEi8EWxy7eBKgcd.UIXgFCaTlZjiOKvaTAWSPHsliJY9VYL+A5mv7XK0WlA90TC3xHplCzZTGRMqAIqqCRGKB7Tav0.OsJvqYF7tu9X2XVjrzhBa2SeHG93Lk.o8pvJyWTimskti.7fK2MjbA83XPXYDcFXZ1E22zbmm21nsAj7Sj3ORhwSXzKiDwRK7KvEgOiJcDgQBNHzY6kdrsJ1qFo8Zizd6rSsswieLdLjAoXeJ7OoOE63fifabjXIycd.QxD7pGBnG73E322uKtW5eVcw1cwCN64462KqDINgFPckIvt11fwCXbJd5btapMAeISTvMVDzws.qcgCKXNcm1FepsQqk3d2DpbhxPmTb79TmNC+HrkhPU7y0mvmQ85nT+YXs1LoZmyQgCIH3b31emqBvJos2k.YoriYczydMzKiKKOKEHyH4NmAY5TOwODacinh85nhcEpTAqmJjzWy6riwmLZY7YC7+0zzoqzV9lEPiWoYUQl3eTfc3yCOmFWjOJbDd4U+o88tYOscyxMUbTvGxYxWGQykKe7qrkw5BqlnkjsppRNVUaJ0VgakptZsET92NnJSib2AWko0X9s7ZLTuhuTHlmpHyx6EnzbDRSWKsj8sdCrK1fV24mJ5Q7tgGRjDUUubnAvEd9KYpjt1gzOBsPxpA1R+PZxERQTJ1yu2gzt6MF8+SY2l2r+hRgWs+kLOouhWeAD8orY9RkzIfDSRCAjLQuZUEKipR10j1qlTuZR8qIMv.MOA5Ol.GlVCzFvI6Jb5q7qgS903zHPpxolSuGp63XY33XCq8fUOX0GVCf0Sf0Sg0uCKKSCnE9UZOAMIEdJVUuyoZDgbC.cq0hR0FhmvjKpNBwsncp4JamZspq72P3de8QLoq+pwaiUfW0an+mwa9vIs0OZ5TnKVIXape7euoShbKfxaDykL9rSHxXFbSS+z4gig4ybo.R3bZPh5FUCUofLYyhZCiobuTguC+xMZoj0xMZUXDERbiEevMqVhZ7m6lpAvDOcxuVvHnfLtr5it4tlnPXprO35pREOBv9piwdChYuMHldaPL82fXFrAw7jMHlm9CiQMP7KmKEgYOS.EiNJsHtl1QbBbKK8FI5eA7DQzgG
But you need to store the CC in a sliderpack so it can be recalled later (in place of the artCC var)
@ustk yes, that is what I have done as well, but I would also like the user to see all coresponding cc, if only the default cc values could be on same line as the articulation, but as dynamic variables, so that if I chose another cc in the right viewport, it would update the value on the left side as well, that would be super... :)
@ustk I will sleep on it, maybe tomorrow will reveal the truth... :) Thanks again ustk!!
@ulrik Last idea before going to bed as well :)
You can add a button:
- OFF => update the left side on CC selection
- ON => change the CC of the selected Articulation
Because you can't do both at the same time... You read, or you set...
Good night! -
@ustk I solved it like this:
So now I have make a warning for the user if the uacc is already used by another articulation -
Some more fixes, warning when trying to use value that already is in use, and a "set default values" button.